Join MGI ALEKIM LLP for the

2024 EarthDay

MGI Alekim LLP-Kimoli

MGI Worldwide was delighted to welcome Nairobi-based MGI Alekim LLP to the MGI Africa region earlier this year. Felix Kimoli, the firm’s Managing Partner, has explained how the company has already been experiencing tangible benefits after joining our global accounting network.

MGI Alekim LLP applied to carry out some audit work for the government in Kenya but found out that the firm was unable to even pre-qualify for the job, due to being classed as a Category E-business, which is the lowest level in the local market. To be considered for government audit work, firms need to be either Category A, B or C.

Felix recognised that the firm needed to improve its status and that joining an international accounting network such as MGI Worldwide would help with progressing the company from Category E to Category A.

With more than 9,000 members across 380 different countries, membership of the global accountancy network provides MGI Alekim LLP with access to expertise and advice from fellow members throughout the world, raising its status in its local market of Nairobi.

Indeed, since joining MGI Worldwide, MGI Alekim LLP has been able to confidently quote for government audit work in Kenya, with the firm evaluated in a similar way to the local Big Four accounting firms, much to Felix’s delight.

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